Honoring Those Who Fight for Open Government
The FOI Foundation of Texas presents the annual James Madison Award to journalists, elected officials, attorneys and vigilant citizens for distinction in pursuing open government and First Amendment rights. The most recent recipient is Patrick Canty, publisher of the Odessa American, for his leadership in a long-running legal battle over prompt access to public records.
Since its formation in 1978, the FOI Foundation has helped citizens access government meetings and records while protecting free speech and a free press. Information is essential to participating in our democracy.
Texas Senate committee approves bill closing the ‘dead suspect loophole’ in TPIA
By Kelley Shannon FOI Foundation of Texas Legislation that would close a loophole in the Texas Public Information Act used by some police departments to withhold records when a person dies in custody won approval in a Senate committee Friday. House Bill 30 by [...]
Police used loophole in Texas law to withhold records from deceased soldier’s family
By Vianna Davila ProPublica, co-published with The Texas Tribune Originally published May 9, 2023 Texas public records law allows officials to withhold police records if no one was convicted in a case. At least one city has used this rule to deny the release [...]
Transparency legislation makes progress in Texas House of Representatives
By Kelley Shannon Executive Director Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas May 9, 2023 Transparency proposals supported by the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas and the diverse Texas Sunshine Coalition have progressed in the Texas House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support. House [...]