Honoring Those Who Fight for Open Government
The FOI Foundation of Texas presents the annual James Madison Award to journalists, elected officials, attorneys and vigilant citizens for distinction in pursuing open government and First Amendment rights. The most recent recipient is Patrick Canty, publisher of the Odessa American, for his leadership in a long-running legal battle over prompt access to public records.
Since its formation in 1978, the FOI Foundation has helped citizens access government meetings and records while protecting free speech and a free press. Information is essential to participating in our democracy.
Sunshine Coalition pressing transparency legislation at Texas Capitol
The Texas Sunshine Coalition, a diverse group of organizations supporting government transparency, is working to pass state legislation this year to promote the free flow of information. Organizations participating in the Sunshine Coalition are the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas; Texas Association of [...]
After complaint about art museum photos, Fort Worth police department refuses to release report
By David Moreno Fort Worth Report Originally published Jan. 30, 2025 Weeks after Fort Worth police seized photographs featured in a Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth exhibit, the city has declined to release documents related to its investigation into child pornography allegations. Earlier [...]
City of Killeen violating state law on citizens’ comments, attorney says
By Kevin Limiti Killeen Daily Herald Originally published Jan. 12, 2025 The city of Killeen may have been violating the Texas Open Meetings Act in regards to citizen comments ever since June when the structure of the Killeen City Council meetings were changed. The [...]