Ethan Couch

Public won when appeals court ruled juvenile murder hearings should have been open


By Jim Witt Fort Worth Star-Telegram Originally published Aug. 19, 2014 The public won a significant “right-to-know” decision last week when Texas’ 2nd District Court of Appeals in Fort Worth unanimously ruled that State District Judge Jean Boyd abused her discretion by closing her juvenile courtroom twice early this year during a murder case. Because the media is part of “the public,” we don’t enjoy any special rights or privileges unavailable to ordinary citizens, so we were banished, too. As your de facto eyes and ears, we were severely hampered in our reporting on the proceedings, although our reporters did manage [...]

Public won when appeals court ruled juvenile murder hearings should have been open2014-08-20T15:29:12-05:00

Star-Telegram, other news outlets go to court over closed juvenile hearings


Fort Worth Star-Telegram Originally published Jan. 30, 2014 Six major media outlets in Dallas-Fort Worth joined Wednesday to file a plea in intervention in state District Judge Jean Boyd’s Tarrant County juvenile court to ask that any hearings regarding Ethan Couch be held in open court. The motion also asks that the media outlets be given a chance to be heard if the judge considers motions to close a hearing to the public or makes a decision to do that on her own. Boyd made national news recently for sentencing Couch, 16, to 10 years’ probation and therapy for driving drunk and [...]

Star-Telegram, other news outlets go to court over closed juvenile hearings2014-02-10T22:14:00-06:00
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